Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science [ISSN: 2582-1628 (online)]2023-01-13T11:08:25+00:00Eureka Journalsadmin@eurekajournals.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">International Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science (IJCRMMS<strong>: </strong>A Multidisciplinary International Medical Journal) is a multidisciplinary, peer review, open access, refereed journal with focus on articles of basic, clinical, experimental, preventive and social medicine. The journal focusses on a fast and rigorous review process to ensure accuracy, relevancy and originality of submitted manuscript.</p> Quantitative Assessment of the Changes in Self-reported Menstrual Cycle and Other Reproductive Issues of Jamaican Females ages 18 to 55 years after taking the COVID-19 Vaccine2023-01-13T11:08:25+00:00Paul Bourneinfo@eurekajournals.comSubrina Southinfo@eurekajournals.comSannekia Ellisinfo@eurekajournals.comDonae Hansleinfo@eurekajournals.comKenneva Smallinginfo@eurekajournals.comDenishe Douseinfo@eurekajournals.comJames Fallahinfo@eurekajournals.comCalvin Campbellinfo@eurekajournals.comClifton Fosterinfo@eurekajournals.comCaroline McLeaninfo@eurekajournals.comTabitha Mucheeinfo@eurekajournals.comAdvella L.<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The commencement of the menstrual cycle establishes that a woman’s uterine wall is shedding therefore reproduction has not occurred. The menses is driven by hormones that cause the uterus lining to thicken and release certain hormones at certain times during the cycle. A woman understands her cycle over time becoming aware of any changes that they consider abnormal or of concern. Little to no literature has identified the Jamaican women population as affected individuals by how the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has altered their menstrual cycle.</p> <p><strong>Aim</strong>: The objective is to examine the menstrual cycle changes of women who are 18 years and older during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. The research focuses on Jamaican women who experienced any changes during the coronavirus period and observed logical differences.</p> <p><strong>Methods and materials: </strong>A web-based standardized self-administered survey was designed and used to collect pertinent information on the topic of Jamaica females 18 years and ‘Changes in the Menstrual Cycle after taking the COVID-19 vaccine.’ The data collection started on October 2, 2022, to November 15, 2022. It was given to 1089 female participants between the ages eighteen (18) to sixty-one (61).</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>Most respondents represented were ages 18-23yr old, fibroids were the leading issue of the reproductive system of most of the respondents. Other challenges stood out in the findings as unexpected experiences the women faced after taking the vaccine.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>This research has provided insight into women in Jamaica struggling to protect their reproductive system as it is not given the attention it requires when developing vaccines.</p>