%A Mungmungpuntipantip, Rujittika %A Wiwanitkit, Viroj %D 2021 %T COVID-19 Vaccine, Availability Herd Immunity %B %9 %! COVID-19 Vaccine, Availability Herd Immunity %K %X To manage COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccine becomes the new hope. The aim for controlling of COVID-19 pandemic is the generation of herd immunity. However, there is still no occurrence of herd immunity. In addition, due to rapid accelerating increase of demand, the supply of COVID-19 is not sufficient. Availability of vaccine in different settings is different and becomes important consideration in herd community generation. %U http://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCTDDIP/article/view?path= %J International Journal on Current Trends in Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy [ISSN: 2581-7655 (online)] %0 Journal Article %V 5 %N 1 %@ 2581-7655