%A GUPTA, ABHILASH %A MISHRA, ASHWANI %D 2019 %T DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HERBAL TOOTHPASTE CONTAINING NEEM BARK POWDER AS ABRASIVE %B %9 %! DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HERBAL TOOTHPASTE CONTAINING NEEM BARK POWDER AS ABRASIVE %K %X Toothpaste is a cosmetic preparation which has been used by humans for ages due to oral health, cleansing and best oral hygiene, There are enormous number of marketed toothpaste product which are available in the market having number of application and pros. In this work an attempt was made to use dried Neem bark coarse powder as an abrasive since in most of the commercial formulation we use Precipitated chalk, calcium phosphates or hydrated alumina but none of these have medicated property if we compare it with the Neem bark coarse grade powder, In this formulation we used stevia a natural sweetening agent which made this formulation and true herbal formulation in all the sense. %U http://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJRAMPR/article/view?path= %J International Journal of Recent Advances in Medical & Pharma Research %0 Journal Article %V 2 %N 1