TY - JOUR AU - SINGH, MANOJ KUMAR PY - 2019 TI - AYURVEDIC CONCEPT OF TREATMENT IN MODERN LIFE: A REVIEW JF - International Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science [ISSN: 2582-1628 (online)]; Vol 2 No 1 (2019): International Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science KW - N2 - Ayurveda is an alternative system of health care with historic roots in the Indian subcontinent. However, the Ayurvedic concept of therapies are variegated and developed over more than two millennia. These therapies include purification therapy ( Shodhan ), moderation therapy ( Shaman ) and mind controlling therapy ( Satvavajaja ) which comprise of special diets, herbal medicine, yoga, massage, mediation, laxative, enemas and medicinal oils. During the Vedic era, in the mid - second millennium BC, the earliest literature on Indian medical practice had appeared. Charak and Sushruta Samhita are delineated as the oldest encyclopedia of the medicine which incorporated the foundational works of Ayurveda . The Panchmahabhoot that is water, earth, fire, space and air, in the permutation and combination cause genesis of the Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala , which are the basic constituents of the body. Human being is characterized by the mind-body type. If Doshas are perfectly in balanced state, the state is known as health. But if these Doshas are not impeccably balanced exhibit myriad of health glitches, the person is drove into a realm of Vikriti –an imbalanced state of body and mind. The promoting encouragement for utilizing Ayurvedic medicine as a gentler, safer alternative to conventional chemical pharmaceutical medications with consequent side effects, is need of time to manage modern life style related health disorders. UR - https://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRMMS/article/view?path=