%A KUMAR, NEELKANTH %D 2019 %T SUPER WARFARIN INTOXICATION IN A PATIENT WITH SUICIDAL ATTEMPT BY RODENTICIDE INTAKE %B %9 %! SUPER WARFARIN INTOXICATION IN A PATIENT WITH SUICIDAL ATTEMPT BY RODENTICIDE INTAKE %K %X The authors hereby present a case of superwafarin intoxication due to the suicidal attempt by rodenticide intake in a female patient. In this case, the patient was early delivered to the hospital and early managed. The only observation is the persitence of hypokalemia for 2 weeks. There is no problem of thrombohemostasis. This case can show that early mangement of the superwarfarin intoxication can result in good outcome. %U https://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRMMS/article/view?path= %J International Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science [ISSN: 2582-1628 (online)] %0 Journal Article %V 2 %N 1 %@ 2582-1628