%A TIWARI, AMAN %A MISHRA, ASHWANI %D 2019 %T FORMULATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SUSTAINED RELEASE TABLET OF METORPOLOLSUCCINATE USING CHIA SEED AS BINDING AND DISINTEGRATING AGENTS %B %9 %! FORMULATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SUSTAINED RELEASE TABLET OF METORPOLOLSUCCINATE USING CHIA SEED AS BINDING AND DISINTEGRATING AGENTS %K %X Tablet is one of the most widely used pharmaceutical formulation which is used worldwide. It is prepared by using many agents like bulk forming agent , disintegrate, binding agents lubricants .In this work an attempt is made by formulating tablet using chia seed mucilage as disintegrant, Since chia seed is a good neutraceutical and by using it we can also avoid synthetic disintegrants which we normally use in tablet formulation .After the formulation of tablet prepared tablets were subjected for weight variation, thickness, disintegration and friability and dissolution study .The result revealed that tablet prepared with chia seed as disntegrats showed promising result and even after comparing with marketed formulation prepared tablet shows similar result which indicates that chia seed can be a better alternative as a disintegrating agent in tablet formulation . %U https://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJCRMMS/article/view?path= %J International Journal of Current Research in Medicines & Medical Science [ISSN: 2582-1628 (online)] %0 Journal Article %V 2 %N 1 %@ 2582-1628