%A KUMAR, NIRANJAN %A KUMAR, ASHOK %D 2019 %T COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT OF THIOPENTONE-MIDAZOLAM COMBINATION WITH THIOPENTONE FOR ANAESTHETIC INDUCTION %B %9 %! COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT OF THIOPENTONE-MIDAZOLAM COMBINATION WITH THIOPENTONE FOR ANAESTHETIC INDUCTION %K %X BACKGROUND: Induction is one of the essential phases of general anesthesia and is considered as the most critical part of the anesthesia process. The desired results that an ideal intravenous anesthetic drug might provide include a. hypnosis, b. amnesia, c. analgesia and d.muscle relaxation. Many studies were conducted using propofol and midazolam as co-induction agents and only few studies were conducted using thiopent one and midazolam as a combination. This study aimed at comparing the effectiveness of Thiopentone-midazolam combination as against thiopentonein a dose that is acceptably 1ow and safe for the quality of induction. MATERIAL AND METHOD : This study hypothesized that thiopentone-midazolam combination in a dose acceptably low and safe will be a better induction agent than thiopentone alone in terms of time taken for onset of sleep, hemodynamic stability. A prospective randomized, double-blind study was conducted in the patients, of Patna Medical College, India, in the year of 2010.90 patients categorized into three groups of 30 each. Group T 4 , T 3, and T 2 , received injection thiopentone, midazolam intravenous. RESULT : In this study, we had compared the time loss of verbal contact, loss of eyelash reflex and loss of movement on painful stimulus following induction of anaesthesia, the changes in oxygen saturation, heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) following induction of anaesthesia and endotracheal tube (ETT) insertion. CONCLUSION : This study has proved that midazolam in a safe dose range reduces the dose of thiopentone for induction of anaesthesia. %U https://medical.eurekajournals.com/index.php/IJRAMPR/article/view?path= %J International Journal of Recent Advances in Medical & Pharma Research %0 Journal Article %V 2 %N 1